Innovative Project: Shelby Materials
IRMCA 2024 Short Course
Innovative Project: Shelby Materials
With 102K pounds of helix steel fiber and 3.5K yards of concrete, Shelby Materials is the winner of the 2024 IRMCA Innovative Use Project for their work on the Baby Bell DHL Center. This large, commercial building had multiple challenges - but nothing that couldn’t be overcome with E5 Internal Cure, Superflo 2000 Water Reducer, or using extended joint slabs.
🚧 Baby Bell DHL
Yards of Concrete: 3,400 yds
Project Time: 1 Month
The shine on that floor is just waiting for forklifts and teamsters to march on in! Great work team, it’s a thing of beauty! Congratulations to Shelby Materials and all the teams involved in this quick turnaround, while implementing some cool innovative uses.
Concrete Producer: Shelby Materials
Owner: DHL
Concrete Contractor: Custom Concrete
General Contractor: GDI
Engineer: Paul J. Ford Company
Architect: Design Collective